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Create a new WordPress admin user in the database

You can create a new WordPress admin user from within the database. Use this method if your original admin user was

  1. Log into phpMyAdmin (cPanel / Plesk / Web Hosting / Managed WordPress).

    Note: If you're using cPanel Hosting, you must select the database for your WordPress site in the left-hand column before proceeding to the next step

  2. Click the _users table
  3. Click the Insert tab
  4. Fill in the following fields.
    • ID is any number you choose
    • user_login is the username for accessing the WordPress Dashboard.
    • user_pass is the password for the user. Make sure to select MD5 in the functions menu
    • user_nicename is the nickname for the user
    • user_email is the email address you want to associate with this user
    • user_registered is the date and time for when this user is registered
    • user_status should be set to 0
    • display_name is the name that will be displayed for this user on your site
  5. Click the Go button
  6. Click the _usermeta table
  7. Click the Insert tab
  8. Fill in the following fields:
    • user_id is the ID you entered in the previous step
    • meta_key should be the phrase wp_capabilities
    • meta_value should be
  9. Click Go
  10. Click the Insert tab again
  11. Enter the following information:
    • user_id is the same number you entered in the previous step
    • meta_key should be the phrase wp_user_level
    • meta_value should be the number 10
  12. Click the Go button.

You can now login with the new Admin user.

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